As we age, our lips lose volume and become thinner.
Major contributing factors include decreased production of collagen and elastin – which give us that plumper, more youthful look in earlier years – as well as diminishing support from our facial bones and muscles and an overall loss of facial volume. Women face the added challenge of decreasing estrogen and the ability to hold water in the lips; all can mean a drastic change in the appearance of our lips and the surrounding area.
What can be done?
An appropriate hyaluronic acid filler can work wonders for lips. “Appropriate” is a very important word here! Many people considering filler are concerned that their lips will look too big, or duck-like, or just plain weird – but done well lip filler can restore a natural, youthful and fabulous appearance. Hyaluronic acid fillers offer a spectrum of volume from the very thin to the very thick and strong, and our professionals are both expert in and committed to finding the filler best for your lips.
For women interested in replenishing volume, two of my favorite fillers are Restalyne Kysse™ (Galderma) and Juvederm Volbella™ (Allergan). Both products can do a fantastic job not only building volume but also retaining hydration without altering your natural appearance.
We can’t wait to see you! To learn what we can do for you, give us a call today at (719) 728-2878 or book online at